Call for Workshops

Proposals for Workshops are invited in the following Tracks (a full list of topics is available here):

  • PHY - Physical Layer and Fundamentals
  • WIN - Wireless Networks
  • OPN - Optical Networks
  • NET - Networking
  • APS - Applications and Services
  • TER - Testbeds & Experimental Research


Workshops may address one or more Tracks, but they should be organised under a unified theme.


Workshops may include invited speakers, papers, and panels. The structure of workshops is not fixed, and proposers may design it as they think best.


Workshop papers can be either Presentations, Extended Abstracts (2 pages) or Full Papers (5 pages), and should be reviewed by the Workshop Technical Programme Committee.  These papers will be part of the Conference Proceedings (if the authors wish to do so), but they will not be submitted to IEEE Xplore.


Workshops may extend for either a full- or a half-day. They will be held in the day previous to conference start, i.e., June 29th, 2015. Workshops will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance
  • Timeliness
  • Technical content
  • Novelty
  • Overall Recommendation


Workshop proposals can be submitted via a specific template, available here. Proposers should provide information on the Title, Duration, Motivation and Background, Structure, and associated Technical Programme Committee. Additional information on previous editions or promotion plans can also be provided, if applicable.


The PDF of the call for workshops can be found here.


Proposals should be submitted to the Co-Chairs, and


Key Dates 

  • 2015 Feb. 06 20 – Submission of Workshop proposal (deadline extension)
  • 2015 Mar. 13 – Notification of acceptance
  • 2015 Apr. 24 29 – Workshops final papers (deadline extension)
  • 2015 Apr. 24 29 – Authors registration deadline (deadline extension)