The Steering Committee of EuCNC’15 plans to release three Awards during the conference:
- Best Paper Award – Selected by the Track Co-Chairs among the papers accepted and published over IEEE Xplore.
The Best Paper was awarded to the paper "Self-Optimisation of Vertical Sectorisation in a Realistic LTE Network", by the authors Konstantinos Trichias (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Remco Litjens (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Abdoulaye Tall (Orange Labs, France), Zwi Altman (Orange Labs, France), and Pradeepa Ramachandra (Ericsson Research, Sweden)
- Best Booth Award – Selected by the participants to the conference through a form that will be available on site.
- Best Student Paper Award – Selected by the Track Co-Chairs among the papers accepted and published over IEEE Xplore, authored by a student (sponsored by EURACON)
The Best Student Paper was awarded to the paper "Optimizing Cloud-RAN Deployments in Real-Life Scenarios Using Microwave Radio", by the authors Rami Al-Obaidi, Aleksandra Checko, Henrik Holm, Henrik Christiansen (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark)