Authors Guidelines

Paper Submission

High-quality papers, in double-column IEEE format and not exceeding 5 pages, are invited (one extra page is allowed, at a charge; visit the Registration page for further information). The conference language is English. Papers should present the Scientific, Technical and Visionary Research work, and must highlight the novelty as well as actual or expected impact.


All papers using the IEEE Template must be submitted online, as a PDF document. Paper submission is open to all researchers independently of being associated to European Framework projects.


All papers are anonymously reviewed by the Technical Programme Committee (TPC) (i.e., authors are not aware of who the reviewers were). A notification of acceptance will be sent to the authors. The Organising Committee may only communicate with the author who submitted the paper, and not with all authors. Papers will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance and timeliness
  • Technical content and scientific rigour
  • Novelty and originality
  • Quality of presentation
  • Overall Recommendation


It is a condition of submitting a paper that:

  1. the list of authors is not changed after the paper has been submitted for review;
  2. following acceptance of papers, authors act on feedback and comments provided by the TPC, prior to submitting the final paper for publication;
  3. presenters act on feedback provided by their Session Chair to ensure high quality presentations;
  4. presenters register and pay the participant's fee by the deadline prior to submitting the final version of the paper.


Final papers are subject to editorial review and a quality check.


Papers not selected for oral presentation may be accepted for presentation in poster sessions.


Steps to Submit a Paper

  1. Papers should be in English, and should follow the IEEE Template (in Word and LaTeX formats), not exceeding 5 double-column pages.
  2. Submit your paper using the EDAS system.
  3. You can review the paper and resubmit it up to the deadline. Only the last version submitted before the deadline is reviewed. Please note that once a paper has been allocated to the Technical Programme Committee for review, it is no longer possible to resubmit it.


Steps for Accepted Papers

  1. If the paper is accepted, the authors need to upload the final version of the paper by the deadline.
  2. Each accepted paper requires at least one non-refundable full registration before the deadline prior to submission of the final version of the paper (check the registration page). The Conference Registration Policy should be checked by authors prior to submission.
  3. Use the registration code (available in the registration confirmation sent by e-mail) to submit your final Camera Ready paper. The registration confirmation code cannot be shared with anyone else.
  4. Do not delay in making VISA arrangements for entry into the European Union if needed. Such arrangements are the responsibility of attendees and other participants, and may take up to several weeks.
  5. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the EuCNC’2015 Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
  6. The paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference, unless the TPC Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter. The conference organisers reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference if the paper is not presented at the conference.


Steps to Submit a Poster Abstract

The procedure to submit a poster is the same as the one for the papers. An extendend abstract (max. 2 pages) should be submitted. A template can be found here.

Submit your poster abstract using the EDAS system (more information to be available soon).


Poster abstracts will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Relevance
  • Timeliness
  • Technical content
  • Novelty
  • Overall Recommendation