Conference Delegate Information

Thank you for registering to attend the 24th European Conference on Networks and Communications.

The following information is designed to help you find your way around EUCNC 2015 and to add to your enjoyment of the conference.


Please read this information carefully.


EUCNC Conference Venue

Palais des Congrès de Issy-Les-Moulineaux
25 avenue Victor Cresson 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux - France

The Palais des Congrès is located in the centre of Issy les Moulineaux, next to the metro station “Mairie d’Issy. All local amenities may be reached by foot.



Alpha Taxis + 33(0)1 45 85 85 85
Taxi G7        + 33(0)1 47 39 47 39

A taxi station is located at the metro station “Mairie d’Issy”, at 5 minutes walking distance from the Congress Center.


No smoking policy

To comply with French law smoking is prohibited inside.


Registration Desk will collect the Lost-and Found



The Organisers cannot be held responsible for accidents to participants or for damage to or

loss of their personal property howsoever caused.


Onsite Registration

Conference Registration Desk Opening Times:

Monday - Wednesday 08:00-18:00

Thursday 08:00-12:00

The Conference Registration Desk is located on the level 0 of the Congress Center.


Name badges

Delegate badges must be worn at all times to gain access to the conference sessions,

exhibition and social events. Upon your arrival, you must withdraw your badge in the Conference Registration Hall before entering the conference rooms area.


Gala Dinner Registration

Conference delegates who have registered and paid for the conference dinner will be given a ticket Please bring your ticket with you and show it to the hostesses before boarding.

If you have purchased additional gala dinner tickets for Guest person(s), you must collect the extra ticket(s) from the Registration Desk in the Conference Registration Hall


Welcome Reception

Attendance to the welcome reception is included in your registration fee – conference

delegates will not be issued a ticket.

If you have purchased additional tickets for the welcome reception, for guest person, you must collect the extra ticket(s) from the Registration Desk in the Conference Registration Hall.


Cloakroom / Luggage

There are cloakroom facilities inside the Palais des Congrès of Issy Les Moulineaux
To facilitate your arrival and departure directly from the venue, a Luggage Storage  area is available inside the venue in to the Conference Registration Hall, exclusively for the use of registered participants of EUCNC 2015.

We recommend you to withdrawn your badge first before dropping your luggage. Your badge will be requested when dropping the luggage.

Drop of luggage without a badge will be refused without any possibility of claim.
Computers, devices or valuables objects won’t be accepted.

The Organisers cannot be held responsible for damage to or loss of their personal property howsoever caused.


Cloakroom Opening hours:

Monday          08:00-18:00

Tuesday         08:00-19:30
Wednesday    08:00-18:00

Thursday        08:00-14:00


Lunch and Coffee breaks

Standing Buffet Lunchs and Coffee breaks are included in conference registration fees. They will be held in the following exhibition areas: Hall Menand, level 0 and Hall Debussy, level 1



EUCNC 2015 website

The EUCNC 2015 website will be updated during the conference with a videoblog containing small interviews to key people attending the conference and with a photo gallery of the event.
A webcasting service of the plenary sessions will also be available.



There will be free WIFI access available in the conference venue.
Network and login will appeared on the back of your badge

WIFI LOGIN:            EUCNC2015


Social media

there will be several updates along the day with the major highlights of the conference



Currency & ATM Machine

The currency in France is Euros €.

The venue does not have an ATM Machine. The nearest one is located in front of the Congress Center at “La poste”.



EUCNC 2015 Exhibition

The exhibition will take place in two different areas :
Hall Menand Level 0 and Hall Debussy, level 1


Exhibition Opening hours:

Tuesday 09:00 – 19:30

Wednesday 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday 09:00 – 14:00


Author information – IMPORTANT

Speaker information

  • Authors are asked to download directly their presentation with a usk key on the computer of their conference room
  • Speakers must upload their presentation to the laptop computer in the session room 15 minutes before the session starts.  We recommend that you bring both a PowerPoint and PDF file of your presentation to ensure that there are no problems.  Speakers are requested to test the functionality of the presentation before the beginning of the session.
  • Speakers are not allowed to bring their own laptop computer, avoiding useless time breaks in between papers.



There will be 2 posters sessions:
- Tuesday 29th June      14:00 – 14:30pm
- Wednesday 30th June 14:00 – 14:30pm
Each posters session will take place in Hall Debussy, level 1.

  • For the posters session, posters should be stuck during the morning coffee breaks of the day you are presenting your poster.
  • Posters should be set up the poster board using only dual-face sticking tape or similar tool supplied by the local organization.  Staples, pins, screws or any abrasive or perforating hardware are not permitted.  Do not write or paint on the poster boards.
  • Posters should be removed from the boards by the end of the day of your presentation.


See you in EUCNC 2015!